Current Tariff Changes (effective March 1, 2023)
with the first billing generated in April 2023

General Service - Time-of-Use (GS-TOU) is available to all types of usage, including single-family homes, individual apartments, farms, or common residential units. This rate is limited to consumers whose load requirement does not exceed 50 kW and the capacity of individual pumps to 10 horsepower.
This is a time-of-use rate class with periods of higher-priced peak kWh and lower-priced off-peak kWh.
- On-Peak Hours: 7 days a week, year-round, between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm
- Off-Peak Hours: All hours not defined as On-Peak
Auxiliary Meter Credit of $5 per meter is available to non-residential auxiliary services situated on the same contiguous premises and serving the same consumer on a GS-TOU rate service, paying a $31.50 monthly Grid Connectivity Charge.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Electric Vehicle - Time-of-Use (EV-TOU) is available to all residential consumers that own a qualified Electric Vehicle that is charged on the served premise. This rate is limited to consumers whose load requirement does not exceed 50 kW and is a single-phase service type.
This is a time-of-use rate class with periods of higher-priced on-peak kWh and lower-priced off-peak kWh. An EV Charging period is from 11 pm to 7 am daily.
- On-Peak Hours: 7 days a week, year-round, between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm;
- Off-Peak Hours: 7 days a week, year-round between 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. and 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm;
- EV Charge Hours: 7 days a week, year-round, between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Irrigation - Time-of-Use (I-TOU) is available for service to irrigation pumps whose minimum size is five (5) horsepower or greater, with single-phase or three-phase service types.
This is a time-of-use rate class with periods of higher-priced peak kWh and lower-priced off-peak kWh.
- On-Peak Hours: 7 days a week, year-round, between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm
- Off-Peak Hours: All other others not defined as On-Peak
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Commercial Small Power - Demand (CSP-D) is generally available to most three-phase consumers. Most consumers on this rate class are small commercial accounts who are limited to load requirements that do not exceed 50 kW. This rate is a three-part rate that includes a Demand Charge component.
- Demand Charge, maximum Demand, per kW: $5.57
- Energy Charge, per kWh: $0.10359
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Large Power - Demand (LP-D) is available to consumers whose load requirements exceed 50 kW and are less than 500 kW. Most consumers in this rate class are large power accounts with single-phase or three-phase service. This rate is a three-part rate that includes a Demand Charge component.
- Demand Charge, maximum Demand, per kW: $20.42
- Energy Charge, per kWh: $0.05509
The consumer's Maximum Demand shall be the maximum rate at which energy is used, measured in kilowatts (kW), for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during each month for which service is received and a bill is rendered, as determined by the Cooperative's metering equipment at the consumer's metering point, and adjusted for power factor as provided below.
Power Factor Adjustment:
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers to correct for average power factors lower than 90%. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the measured demand 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Industrial - (IND) is available to consumers whose load requirements exceed 500 kW and require three-phase service. This tariff is a three-part rate that includes a Demand Charge component.
- Demand Charge, maximum Demand, per kW: $12.23
- Energy Charge, per kWh: $0.07259
The consumer's Maximum Demand shall be the maximum rate at which energy is used, measured in kilowatts (kW), for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during each month for which service is received and a bill is rendered, as determined by the Cooperative's metering equipment at the consumer's metering point, and adjusted for power factor as provided below.
Power Factor Adjustment:
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers to correct for average power factors lower than 90%. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the measured demand 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Industrial Coincident Peak Demand (IND-CP) is available to consumers whose load requirements exceed 1 MW. Consumers under this service schedule are limited and shall be three-phase 60 hertz on standard primary or secondary voltages (or as agreed upon). This three-part rate includes a Demand Charge component, Non-Coincident Peak Demand, and Coincident Peak Demand charges.
- NCP Demand Charge, maximum Demand, per kW: $3.25
- CP Demand Charge, maximum Demand, per kW: $18.74
- Energy Charge, per kWh: $0.06459
Determination of NCP Demand:
The consumer's Non-Coincident Peak (NCP) Demand shall be the maximum rate at which energy is used, measured in kilowatts (kW), for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during each month for which service is received and a bill is rendered, as determined by the Cooperative's metering equipment at the consumer's metering point and adjusted for power factor as provided below.
Determination of CP Billing Demand:
The CP (Coincident Peak) billing demand shall be the consumer's kW demand, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for power factor as provided below, coincident with the Cooperative's system kW peak. The Cooperative's system kW peak shall be the Cooperative's system kW peak registered and reported by the wholesale supplier during the month for which the bill is rendered.
Power Factor Adjustment:
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. CP and NCP demand charges will be adjusted to correct for average power factors lower than 90%. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the CP and NCP billing demand 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Industrial Service - Load Dependent is available to consumers whose load requirements exceed 500 kW and whose Maximum Demand exceeds 3,000 kW. Consumers in this rate class are industrial power accounts with three-phase service.
This rate is a four-part rate that includes Demand Charge, Energy Charge, and Monthly Minimum Charge components that are to be determined.
The consumer's Maximum Demand shall be the maximum rate at which energy is used, measured in kilowatts (kW), for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during each month for which service is received and a bill is rendered, as determined by the Cooperative's metering equipment at the consumer's metering point, and adjusted for power factor as provided below.
Power Factor Adjustment:
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers to correct for average power factors lower than 90%. Such adjustments will be made by increasing the measured demand 1% for each 1% by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Net-Metering Generation is available to consumers who own or operate a Distributed Energy Resource that qualifies for net-metering including residential services or commercial and industrial services. This rate is available if compliance with GVP's Interconnection Policy is followed and has a generating capacity that does not exceed the following:
- Residential Services: maximum DC rated capacity of 10 kW.
- Commercial and Industrial Services: maximum DC rates capacity of 25 kW, or capacity to generate up to 120% of service location's annual energy consumption, with total DC rates capacity not to exceed 100 kW.
Other rate details can be found in the tariff sheet below. Interconnection Application fees do apply for all new distributed energy resources.
Street and Yard Lighting (SYL) is available to all consumers served by the cooperative and served by single-phase secondary voltage.
Type |
Wattage |
Rate (Per Month) |
Mercury Vapor Lamps |
175 Watt |
$18.26 per light |
250 Watt |
$25.57 per light |
400 Watt |
$41.66 per light |
High-Pressure Sodium Lamps |
100 Watt |
$10.91 per light |
250 Watt |
$25.57 per light |
LED Lamps |
40-60 Watt |
$8.06 per light |
100-120 Watt |
$15.02 per light |
Sales for Resale (SR) is available for resale by Utah Power and Light to their existing three customers' metering points in the State of Utah with a future limitation of one additional residential customer and one pump not to exceed ten (10) horsepower, or the approximate equivalent thereof.
Service will be delivered from Grand Valley Power Lines, Inc. to Utah Power and Light at a primary voltage structure at the Colorado-Utah state line. All energy consumption will be metered at the primary voltage at the delivery point.
Non-Metered Service (NMS-1) is available to municipal, county, state, and federal governments, quasi-governmental entities, and public districts for electric service for loads that serve the purpose of providing public safety. Eligible loads include but are not limited to traffic signals, flashing lights, flashing signs, lighted roadway signs, vehicle sensors, and security cameras.
Service hereunder shall be limited to locations where the Cooperative determines that such energy usage is of a non-fluctuating nature, and a meter location is hazardous to the public, or where it may not be economical to install metering equipment.
Service is eligible to locations where the consumer's aggregate load is limited to 2,500 Watts.
Other adjustments to a consumer's bill will include a monthly Power Cost Adjustment for all kWh consumed.

Applicable to metered consumers receiving electric service from the Cooperative under the following tariffs:
- General Service (GS-TOU)
- Electric Vehicle (EV-TOU)
- Irrigation (I-TOU)
- Commercial and Small Power (CSP-D)
- Large Power (LP-D)
- Industrial (IND)
- Industrial Coincident Peak (IND-CP)
- Sales for Resale (SR)
Power Cost Adjustment:
The Power Cost Adjustment shall be computed and billed on a uniform per kWh basis each month to ensure that all wholesale power costs are passed through to consumers without mark-up. Because wholesale power costs are billed to the Cooperative by its wholesale power providers using estimates, the monthly Power Cost Adjustment is calculated using estimated power costs and estimated energy sales, and revenue recovery will require reconciliation over time.
Any Power Cost Adjustment revenue surpluses will be applied to reduce estimated power costs and deficits factored in to increase estimated power costs over a rolling twelve-month period.
Applicable to all consumers within the incorporated boundaries of Collbran, Debeque, Fruita, and Grand Junction, respectively.
Rates per Jurisdiction:
- Three percent (3%) surcharge on the first $10,000 of monthly electric revenue and a two percent (2%)surcharge on monthly electric revenue exceeding $10,000, excluding accounts billed to the Town of Collbran.
- Three percent (3%) surcharge on monthly electric revenue, excluding accounts billed to the Town of Debeque.
- Three percent (3%) surcharge on monthly electric revenue, excluding accounts billed to the City of Fruita.
Grand Junction:
- Three percent (3%) surcharge on monthly electric revenue, excluding accounts billed to the City of Grand Junction.